Mission Statement
Can Do People believes that learning is a life long journey. Our mission is to provide a safe, rich environment conducive to the best practices for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, other intellectual disabilities or exceptional behaviours. We promote and foster the growth of each individual to enable them to lead fulfilling lives and be contributing members of society.
History & Founders
A long time dream of founder Kim Corlett, a Special Education Teacher of 23 years, to open a different kind of day program for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders or other exceptional behaviours. A community within a community, offering support not only to the individuals, but also to their families and the community. A similar dream of Lori Taylor, Special Education Teacher of 13 years, to provide more options that attend to the needs of her students upon graduation. Together, colleagues and friends made the decision on February 14, 2013 to turn the shared dream into a reality.
Support from colleagues, friends and family was immense. In particular, families living with ASD not only supported the venture but also wanted to be part of the journey. Joan Leslie-Thomson, mother of 4, parent of twins diagnosed with Autism came aboard with her dynamic, “Can - DO” attitude as the Chair of the Board. Susan Shinkarik, mother of a young man diagnosed with PDD-NOS joined the board as Vice-Chair to support the venture and share her experiences in fundraising and never ending optimism. Murray Kull, grandparent of young adult diagnosed with Autism, offered his immense experiences with finance and non-profit organizations as he joined Can DO People as the Secretary-Treasurer. Tammie Lowdon, Special Education Teaching Assistant encouraged Kim to take the leap for many years, joined the board and program immediately and has worked diligently promoting Can DO People. Sara Guzzo, Psychologist and Foster Parent of a young man diagnosed with Autism, vehemently supported Lori and Kim as the venture began and readily joined the Board when invited. Chris Scott, businessman, offered support and encouragement from the onset of the project. He joined the Board when invited and brings a fresh perspective and genuine enthusiasm to the organization. Passion, commitment and love by this group of individuals has resulted in bringing this dream to fruition on November 12, 2013, as Can DO People opened its doors. Heather Bendell mother of a young lady diagnosed with Autism and Dawn Friesen mother of a young man diagnosed with Autism have recently joined the Can DO People Board. They bring a plethora of ideas and experience from their everyday lives.